Sunday, January 30, 2011

Night Mail productions

Night Mail productions (aka NMP) is a new independent label that has as a target to promote anything artistic (from music, to poetry, to painting and photography, etc).

NMP's first appearance dates back in 1999, with its initially greek name( Nikterino Tahidromio), and concerned a poetry collection by Nickolas Gkaliouris, named " Dreams and Visions in Blue Atmosphere"(onira kai oramata se mple atmosfera). A total of fifty (50) copies were printed and distributed free of any charge to Nickolas's friends.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The TATTOO story

Well the story goes like this...:

It all begun when Nick and I decided that I would create the artwork for the CD "The Clown".

I had no idea what the music would sound like... I only new the song titles ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

First official tattoo from a true lover ....

It's a fact!!!

A true lover, follower and active project artist decided to mark herself with an eternal symbol, a tribute to her inner soul...

Will she decide to share her story....? 

First unplugged session

The first unplugged session for "The Art of Joy project" was held last week in Volos with great success!!!

Stay tuned for the story...